Sunday, 22 May 2016

X-Men Apocalypse (2016) review

Ermagherd look its the mans with the x's!!!

May is just jampacked with movies isn't it? Well here we have another great superhero movie from the mans with the x's or X-Men. There are many reasons to like this movie and for me personally just two reasons to kind of not like it. Look, the fight scenes did feel a little underwhelming but that might be cause this movie tried to set itself from the other two colossi, of course I'm talking about Batman V Superman and Civil War. Instead of amazing fight scenes the whole movie was dedicated to exploring more of each character except the two characters I will talk about later. Now onto the good-stuff.
Michael Fassbender can do no wrong can he?
First I have to talk about Fassbender's tortured and reluctant Magneto. The character starts out trying his best to live a normal life. Blending in and really just trying to live the way "God intended" but oh no, yokle locals had to get involved. The hurt and torture in this movie really illustrate Magneto's pain and purpose which sets him a tier above the other characters. Fassbender carries this character into the stratosphere with his perfect performance and it only gets better as the movie progresses.

The Quicksilver sequence!
I did not expect Bryan Singer to top the Quicksilver sequence from Days of Future Past (2014) but by God did he do it. This sequence was brilliant. The bulldog, how he watched out for each student with precision, and also how time was factored into the whole scene. Also Evan Peters is just the right guy to play Quicksilver, so all of that mix for a great addition to the movie.

Archangel was the harbinger of greatness
Ben Hardy had a fantastic performance as Angel even though his character was not showcased enough. He started out brash and ready to mess the whole world up but then got broken down and went back into prominence in the few scenes that were centered around him. Also, Metallica. The scene where Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), Storm (Alexandra Shipp), and Psylocke (Olivia Munn) are recruiting him, Metallica's "Four Horsemen" is playing in the background setting the tone perfectly. That has to be my favorite scene in the whole movie. 
They did not give Apocalypse enough sinister scenes. LOOK YOU MADE HIM SAD!!!
As my caption indicates, Apocalypse was not given enough solo scenes to really display his sinister presence. I felt like Oscar Isaac could have done so well with this character if given enough scenes to really display how ominous and scary Apocalypse can be. Other than that, Isaac did a bang-up job and I commend him for his efforts. (Not that that matters.)
Yes, I am gonna riff on Psylocke
Not necessarily on Olivia Munn's performance because she was just given a Megan Fox-esque  role. The role of "eye candy". Psylocke is much more than that. Now the only movie I've seen Olivia Munn in other than this one is Ride Along 2 where she played a similar role. There were many scenes where she was just standing there staring at various things silently, kind of like the vampires from Dracula 2000 (and for the love of God, don't watch Dracula 2000, you won't have enough bleach). 

Haha! No Entertainment Weekly watermark!
Overall I'd recommend you do actually check this movie out. The critic reviews are really unfair at this point, yet they may mellow out later when more critics see the movie. Other good things I should point out was Alexandra Shipp's arabic. It was done so well, since I have Egyptian friends who talk with a similar dialect. Also James McAvoy's performance was kicked up another notch, so thanks James. I just wished Kurt Wagner would have said "Get to the choppa!!" at one point. Also Cyclops was a bit annoying at times. Going from the high school kid we should feel bad for to just an all around prick. Eitherway this was a good movie. Four sand beheadings out of four!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Bruce Almighty (2003) review

Calling this movie a laugh-out-loud classic would be criminal. Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) constantly complains about his problems in life. The anchorman job that eludes him, daily traffic, and so on. Given how everyone seems to allude to God controlling fate and all that happens, on his worst day Bruce finally snaps and tells God "The gloves are off!". This causes God (Morgan Freeman) to call Bruce to an abandoned building only to bestow upon him all his powers. Will he use his powers to help mankind or for personal gain?

Jennifer Aniston is one in this comedic ensemble
This movie is brilliant. Without really intending it, it brings together 4 amazing comedic actors that make it a delight all the way through. Jim Carrey seems in as comfortable as ever bringing about another comedy classic. Jennifer Aniston plays the innocent Grace Connelly to counter-act the movie's comedic take on the hopelessness of life itself. Morgan Freeman delivers the "God Quips" with perfection, specially with the Gandhi remark. And Steve Carell shines like always. This was one of his earliest in a extended line of golden performances. This movie foretold of his greatness. It does not stop being funny and the overall story is one with a proper start and finish. All the characters change through the course of it and it also doesn't take itself seriously which only adds to the fantastic humor. I give it 10 golden calves out of 10! (That reference was just spot-on)
Steve Carell as Evan Baxter

Morgan Freeman as God and Jim Carrey as Bruce Nolan

Friday, 8 April 2016

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) review

A good fan made poster. So good, it looks professional
Maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't but this review will include a lot of spoilers. Since I saw it three times to make sure I completely grasp the concept (and generally because it is a fun time at the theaters) I would have to dissect the movie piece by piece to make this review as true to the movie as possible. Let's start with the negatives.
First things first, the trailers. My God they could have really shown less. I mean almost every Wonder Woman scene (in costume) was already in the trailers. Although she was still badass as hell, a little more mystery would have been better. Also revealing Doomsday was a bad idea. The conflict was already there. Superman saved Metropolis but at what cost? Done, just put down the release date and that's a wrap. Imagine if you were watching the film and suddenly Doomsday pops out?! That would be fantastic but you went in expecting him. Another flaw was the showing of a Justice League beta in the trailer. The trailer should have only briefly elaborated on the first phrase "Batman V Superman". That's that, it should not have shown them teaming up. However this is a much more massive issue within the film industry as many movies (ex. Avengers: Age of Ultron showing the Hulk and Hulkbuster fight scene or Terminator: Genesys spoiling John Connor being a Terminator) tend to show "too much" and take away from the perfect movie going experience a movie goer could have. Hence why I avoid second trailers like the plague.
Tao Okamoto as Mercy Graves

Second things second, Mercy Graves. Played by Tao Okamoto, this character is ominously and quietly introduced and then taken away just like that. I mean the potential of a great performance and characterization reveal was humongous here. What if she was just as messed up as Lex Luthor but covered it? Or maybe she served as his handler? Now we will never know cause she never said more than a few words before she was killed in an explosion that, while it served a great purpose in the storytelling, could have easily been avoided. The silver lining here is that there is more added to Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor as he sacrifices those closest to him to achieve his goals.

Another fan-made photo, this time of Ray Fisher's Cyborg
Another problem with the movie was how they introduced Cyborg. It was extremely sudden while it was elaborated in the same way long origin stories are made. In comparison with the other introduction footage of Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and The Flash (Ezra Miller), it played all its cards too early. What they could have done would have been show him in some underground fight club fighting with a hoodie on until his hoodie fell off and he was revealed or something of the like. It should have been more mysterious like the other heroes introduced. The mysterious cube which may have ties to Darkseid should not have been shown as a part of the vignettes but rather in the movie coming up in 2020.

Now onto the good.

Jesse Eisenberg explored a new Lex Luthor
Jesse Eisenberg brought onto screen a terrifying performance as Lex Luthor. Royaly messed up, daddy-issues fueled, he seemed like an amalgamation of Alex and Lex Luthor. Alex Luthor is Lex's son who starts out as a hero but in the events of Infinite Crisis goes insane and attempts to kill his dad (no comic book spoilers here). He seemed like the perfect balance of both. Meticulous, cold, calculating, insane, psychotic, and an observer of the bigger picture. Very early on you can tell  he has seen something no one else has. He knows things no one else knows. And in addition with the ending prison scenes and the deleted "Communion" scene, it is all explained further. Jesse Eisenberg showed a dark side that I did not believe he had in him. He was a risk DC took and it has paid off in spades.

The Batmobile is one of the many things that illustrate Zack Snyder's genius
The batmobile was fantastic. It was different yet familiar. It did not step on Christopher Nolan's tumbler and it did not copy the older versions of the batmobiles. It was truly something original that only added to the movie. Henry Cavill's Superman displays more characteristics that truly set Snyder's Superman apart from other Supermans. The anticipated battle is every bit as good as the hype made it sound like with awesome sequences that just left me cheering in my seat. Another factor that puts this movie in the "Smart" category of super hero movies is the amount of references scattered across the movie. The Omega symbol in Batman's dream (or possible flashback). Man-Bat appearing in his nightmare. The Jason Todd Robin costume spray painted courtesy of The Joker. I mean I can just go on and on but those were the most obvious ones. That can also be listed as a flaw as it alienated the general movie goers, however we have too many movies that cater to everyone and almost completely neglect the comics (Deadpool being a prime example). The darkness in this movie is another triumph as it really makes you think about the current world. "20 years in Gotham Alfred, How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?" The sex trafficker, the other line by Anatoli Knyazev (Callan Mulvey) "Now we say goodbye, and every time we say good bye you die a little." I mean the darkness is real. Again that is what sets this movie apart from the other light hearted super hero movies that have flooded the market.

And Finally Ben Affleck's Batman!

Here he is as Bruce Wayne
My God, what can I say? He was perfect. He was definitely a better Bruce Wayne than Christian Bale and he truly captured the character. His Batman was literally lifted off the glorious pages of The Dark Knight Returns. Truly his performance was flawless and so on point I cannot criticize it in any way. Also this is the Batman that has not been explored. The older Batman. The one who has lost hope in society after seeing its ugliest sides. He kills, brands people and has really embraced the messed-up-ness of the world rather than just pretend it does not exist and man is good. It is a more realistic Batman if that case can be made and so true to the character, it is hard for me to imagine anyone playing the character after Ben Affleck is done with it. 

Frank Miller fans rejoice
Overall this was a true blast at the theater and I really do not understand the hate surrounding the film. There of course is the obvious stigma against the Zack Snyder name. Almost any work he has done is immediately tarnished by his name being there. It is kind of like Michael Bay's name but not as justified. Zack Snyder has made cinematic masterpieces that will not be realized in his lifetime. Which is pretty sad when you think about it. I enjoyed this film, a great launchpad for the DC extended universe, solid cinematography, fantastic sound, and an all round triumph. I salute all those who worked on this fantastic film.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Taxi Driver (1976) review

Classic Mohawk
I'm not going to get into details about this movie because the less you know about it the more mind blowing the ending gets. The basic plot you may want to know is as follows. Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) is a Vietnam War veteran who cannot sleep and rides around the city at night to tire himself out. He gets a job as a New York cab driver in order to make a living off of his unsuccessful attempts. While driving around the city and seeing the populous' true colors, he confronts moral tendencies he did not question as much in the past.

Now there may be spoilers after this point...
There's no one else around so you must be talkin' to me.

What can I say about this masterpiece that has not been said before? De Niro turns in one of his many fantastic performances with Scorsese's always masterful directing approach. The lines and the script of Paul Schrader prove to be a major part that makes this a triumph to witness. Jodie Foster as Iris is another shocking performance that really makes one question how messed up the world really is. You observe a 12-year-old prostitute who only wants to stay away from her parents and has her mind shaped by the manipulative "pimp" Sport (Harvey Keitel). Every one of the actors in this movie goes a 100% and coupling that with the "can-do-no-wrong" directing of Martin Scorsese one of the greatest pieces of film is born. I definitely recommend you see this movie if it shows up on your Netflix queue.